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Why Fall cleaning is just as necessary as Spring cleaning!

If you hadn't noticed're probably sneezing up a storm, sinus issues, and just seem like your home has become breeding ground for germs due to all the tissue being used and sneezing!!! Welp. We have the answer to why plus some other reasons why you may want to clean just a little bit deeper or hire a cleaning service (shameless plug) such as our company to clean!! #1 Closing Up Your home: For most of the country, Fall and Winter months mean our houses start to be closed up. Our air conditioners turn to heaters and our windows are closed. When that happens all the dust and dirt in your home stays there. Scary thought right? And as for the outside...the air quality changes due to the different trees, grass and other changes in your area. So! Dusting on a whole other level needs to happen...more than the wipe down of surfaces but window seals, fans, and a great carpet clean helps in more than you'd think! #2 Inspection: Going into the winter months all sorts of things like to call your home their home. Spiders, bugs, moths, none of which you really want to bunk down with. By deep cleaning during the Fall you get a chance to see who’s hiding where and giving them a squish or kick to the curb before they start snacking on you or your clothes. #3. Back to School: No matter what your schooling style is, all children are “going back to school” in one way or another. Even if your children go year round- they are still switching grades and getting new curriculum. They are probably getting school clothes or new clothes too. They are running from the time they go to school, to activities and your schedule has gone from relaxed to getting kids out of the house, homework checks,quick dinners, work, extracurricular activities and the house....well it's taking a hit because let's face it our "unpaid" help called kids chores just aren't getting the job done. Before you move into the "entertainment season, fall breaks, and more traveling/hosting guests now is the time to hire us to come in and do a deep clean that helps you and your family get back on track with just upkeep. Your part...switching out clothing from summer to fall will be easier and redecorating after we clean! #4 The Holidays are Coming: So you like to entertain (or even just enjoy your home solo) through the holidays. Once the time is upon us, it’s easy to get overloaded with food and seating. Wouldn’t it be nice if you weren’t worried about cleaning out the coat closet so guests had somewhere to put their things? Cleaning companies, such as ours, also offer organizing services! By doing it now, it takes the load off of trying to tackle such a "job within a job" chore that takes you hours to do on your own!

For the month of September we are offering $100 special for 2 hours of deep cleaning! You pick where in the house, what needs to be done and we do it!

Call us to schedule quickly! This special gets booked fast! You'd be surprised what all we get done in 2 HOURS!!

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